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2024-08-15 23:19    点击次数:114


Early Marriage of Korean E-sports Pros: Envious?

In recent years, Korean e-sports industry has expanded rapidly and attracted worldwide attention. Korean e-sports pros are considered as the top-notch players in the world and many of them become wealthy and famous. However, there is an interesting phenomenon that some Korean e-sports pros get married at a young age, which has aroused much discussion. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this phenomenon and the pros and cons of early marriage among e-sports pros.

Why do Korean E-sports Pros marry early?

Korean e-sports pros who marry early are usually in their early twenties, some even in their late teens. The main reason behind this is the demanding schedule and high-pressure environment of the e-sports industry. In order to succeed in this industry, players need to be extremely dedicated and devote most of their time to practice and competition. As a result, they may not have enough time to socialize and date like other young people.

Furthermore, many Korean e-sports pros start their careers at a young age, some as early as 13 or 14 years old. They spend most of their childhood and teenage years training and competing, which limits their opportunities to form a romantic relationship. Thus, when they finally reach a certain level of success and have some financial stability, they may feel the need to settle down and start a family.

Pros and Cons of Early Marriage Among Korean E-sports Pros

One of the advantages of early marriage for Korean e-sports pros is that it provides a sense of stability and emotional support. The life of a professional gamer can be very stressful and lonely, with long hours of training and competition. Having a partner who understands and supports them can make a big difference and help them to cope with the pressure.

Another advantage of early marriage is that it allows them to start a family at a young age, which can be beneficial for their future career. Korean society values family and having children is seen as a way to fulfill one's duty to society. By getting married and having children, e-sports pros can gain more support and respect from their fans and the society as a whole.

On the other hand, there are also some disadvantages of early marriage for Korean e-sports pros. One of the biggest concerns is the lack of time and attention that they can give to their family. E-sports pros have an extremely busy schedule and they may not have enough time to spend with their spouse and children. This can lead to conflicts and dissatisfaction, which may affect their performance on and off the stage.

Moreover, there is also a risk that they may not be able to balance their career and family responsibilities well. E-sports pros have a short career span and their performance declines with age. They need to make the most of their prime years to achieve their goals and secure their financial future. However, being married and having children can be a distraction and may affect their focus and dedication to the game.


The early marriage of Korean e-sports pros is a unique phenomenon that reflects the challenges and opportunities of the e-sports industry. While there are some advantages to getting married at a young age, there are also some risks and drawbacks. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide when and how they want to start a family, and whether it is compatible with their career goals and lifestyle.